Four neat bowling alleys

This jewel was hidden under a dance floor for over twelve years and could be saved almost intact: The bowling alley in the Homburger Hof in Frankfurt Eckenheim was built around the 1950s.

The four tracks - named after the Frankfurt veterans Liesel Christ, Dr. Hammer Nickel, Dynamite Rudi and Rosemarie Nitribitt - have experienced a lot and have a lot going on. Regularly many people meet here to just have fun with "Bembelkegeln". But the tracks are also ready for competitions. The Bembelkegel Championships are regularly held at the Homburger Hof for everyman and -woman .

How does it work?

Quite simply: When doing Bembelkegeln you don't throw the Bembels, it also does not replace the cones. It's just swept normally, but:

Who bowls at our "Begelkegelbahn" gets one 6er Bembel cider or apple juice for free !

You also may rent the complete Bembelkegelbahnfor your Event. We would love to set up your own personal arrangement for you.

How much is it?

the first hour including 6er Bembel € 35,- je Bahn
the first hour without Bembel € 25,- je Bahn
jede weitere Stunde ohne Bembel € 19,- je Bahn
halbe Stunde € 9,50

There is room for the four Bembelkegelbahnen up to 40 people

Information about footwear

  • We do not have shoes for rental
  • Please bring your own shoes with a clean rubber sole
  • Leather soles and high heels bring the risk of twisting and slipping

How much is it?

the first hour including 6er Bembel
€ 35,- je Bahn

the first hour without Bembel
€ 25,- je Bahn

jede weitere Stunde ohne Bembel
€ 19,- je Bahn

halbe Stunde
€ 9,50

There is room for the four Bembelkegelbahnen up to 40 people

Information about footwear

  • We do not have shoes for rental
  • Please bring your own shoes with a clean rubber sole
  • Leather soles and high heels bring the risk of twisting and slipping
reservation request


erklärt von Bembelkegelexperte Andreas

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Mobile Bembelkegelbahn

Our Bembelkegelbahn is also mobile. Really! You are welcome to rent it for your event.

Please just call us!

069 / 95 41 62 42